Mama Whale Giving Us Her Baby!

A majestic 48 ft. long mama whale pushed her 24 ft. baby to our boat that was smaller than the baby! The renewed sense of inspiration that you feel when communing with these whales is an incredible gift. These majestic creatures are wise and want us to know that they are gentle creatures worth protecting! This is truly a meaningful and rejuvenating experience with wildlife.

Each winter from December through April, a magnificent event takes place along the Eastern Pacific shoreline, as a primal calling brings forth the longest known mammal migration. From the cold Arctic waters of the Bering Sea, Pacific Grey Whales make their way south to the warm, remote waters of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, to birth their babies in the protected lagoons here. Whales have been revered as mystical creatures by many cultures throughout time, and an intimate encounter with them is a dream realized for wildlife lovers. Truly, few wildlife experiences in the world can compare to a visit to this area & be up-close with these gentle giants. To view video go to Baja Whale & Cave Adventure

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